Promo codes are only available to redeem on
To redeem a promo code:
- Create an account here.
- Add payment information
- Enter the promo code under ‘Order Summary’ and select ‘Apply’ to confirm the promo code is valid and has been applied
If you are receiving an error when applying your promo code, please try the following:
- Ensure there are no spaces before and after the code
- Try to log out and log back into your account
To add a promo code to an existing account from the subscriptions page:
- Log in to your account here.
- Go to ‘Subscriptions’
- Select ‘Select Licence’
- Enter your promo code in the Promo Code’ field under ‘Order Summary’ and select Apply
- Select ‘Continue’
Your new promotion will go into effect at the end of your current bill term.
If you are having issues with your promo code, please reach out to our support team here.